Suit Icons Regular-Schriftart

Lizenz: Frei
Autor: Septyn
Sprachen: Latein
Kategorien: Ikonen, Symbole, Verzierung
Beispiel einer Suit Icons Regular-Schriftart


Wir haben alle wichtigen Informationen rund um die Schriftart Suit Icons Regular zusammengetragen. Unten finden Sie eine Tabelle über die Version der Schriftartdatei, die Lizenz, das Urheberrecht, den Designer und den Namen des Anbieters. Die Informationen werden aus der Schriftdatei "TTF" entnommen.

Name der Schriftfamilie Suit Icons
Schriftartenname Suit Icons Regular
Name des Stils Regular
Schriftart-ID "":Suit Icons Regular
Schriftversion Release 1.0 20200524
Designer K Septyn
Lizenz The following is a "plain English" license explaining the acceptable use of this font. Use or distribution of this font implies you consent to this license agreement. The intent of this license is to allow no-cost, no-attribution use and no-cost access to this font while prohibiting the distribution of modified or incomplete versions of the font or its glyphs. The following sections attempt to codify this. If a question arises, the simplest interpretation consistent with the intent of this license is the correct interpretation. 1. You may use and/or distribute this font for any purpose with the following exceptions: a. You are not allowed to distribute this font file without a copy of this license. b. You are not allowed to restrict the right of others to use and/or distribute this font. c. You are not allowed to convert and distribute this font, or any portion of this font, to another format (for example, .svg, .ttf). d. You are not allowed to modify this font's source code and/or distribute a modified version of this font. e. You are not allowed to embed this font, in whole or in part, in another font. 2. Commercial use and/or distrubtion of this font has the following additional requirements: a. You are allowed to use or include this font with digital editing products (such as but not limited to an online design tool), but you must provide a free and unrestricted method for users to obtain this font (for example, a direct download or a working link to another website). b. Commercial use of this font does not include the right to sell or resell this font (and/or its source code) by itself nor as part of a collection of fonts. 3. Personal and/or commercial use of this font is otherwise unrestricted.
Urheberrechte © Copyright (c) 2020, K Septyn. Rights are reserved as described by the license embedded in the font.
  • 15.05.2023
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