PT Sans Pro Cond Light-Schriftart

Lizenz: Bezahlt
Autor: ParaType
Sprachen: Kyrillisch, Latein
Beispiel einer PT Sans Pro Cond Light-Schriftart Beispiel einer PT Sans Pro Cond Light-Schriftart Beispiel einer PT Sans Pro Cond Light-Schriftart Beispiel einer PT Sans Pro Cond Light-Schriftart Beispiel einer PT Sans Pro Cond Light-Schriftart


Wir haben alle wichtigen Informationen rund um die Schriftart PT Sans Pro Cond Light zusammengetragen. Unten finden Sie eine Tabelle über die Version der Schriftartdatei, die Lizenz, das Urheberrecht, den Designer und den Namen des Anbieters. Die Informationen werden aus der Schriftdatei "TTF" entnommen.

Name der Schriftfamilie PTSansPro-CondLight
Schriftartenname PT Sans Pro Condensed Light
Name des Stils &
Schriftversion Version 1.000;
Warenzeichen PT Sans is a trademark of the ParaType Ltd.
Designer A.Korolkova, O.Umpeleva, V.Yefimov
Link zum Verkäufer (Vendor)
Hersteller ParaType Ltd
Urheberrechte © Copyright © 2009 ParaType Inc., ParaType Ltd. All rights reserved.
Beschreibung PT Sans Pro is a comprehensive type family intended for a wide range of applications. It consists of 32 styles: 6 weights (from light to black) with corresponding italics of normal proportions; 6 narrow styles; 6 condensed styles; 6 extra condensed styles and 2 caption styles (regular and bold). The design combines traditional conservative appearance with modern trends of humanistic sans serif and possess enhanced legibility especially in caption styles. These features beside conventional use in business applications and printed stuff made the fonts quite useable for direction and guide signs, schemes, screens of information kiosks and other objects of urban visual communications. The fonts have got extended Latin and Cyrillic character sets serving alphabets of all title languages of the national republics of Russian Federation and supporting the most of the languages of neighboring countries. Each font contains about 1400 characters including small caps for all alphabetic characters, 4 sets of figures with lining and old style variations, stressed Cyrillic vowels, indices, fractions and so on. Design -- Alexandra Korolkova with assistance of Olga Umpeleva and supervision of Vladimir Yefimov. The fonts released by ParaType in 2010.
  • 27.02.2019
  • 169
  • 6

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