Mediator Serif Narrow Ext Lt Ita-Schriftart
Lizenz: Bezahlt
Kyrillisch, Latein

Wir haben alle wichtigen Informationen rund um die Schriftart Mediator Serif Narrow Ext Lt Ita zusammengetragen. Unten finden Sie eine Tabelle über die Version der Schriftartdatei, die Lizenz, das Urheberrecht, den Designer und den Namen des Anbieters. Die Informationen werden aus der Schriftdatei "TTF" entnommen.
Name der Schriftfamilie | Mediator Serif Web Narrow ExtLt |
Schriftartenname | Mediator Serif Web Narrow ExtLt Ital |
Name des Stils | Italic |
Schriftart-ID | 1.000;PARA;MediatorSerifWeb-NarrowExtLtIta;2083;TR4- |
Schriftversion | Version 1.0W |
Warenzeichen | Mediator is a trademark of the ParaType, Inc. |
Designer | Manvel Shmavonyan, Alexander Lubovenko |
Designer-Link | |
Link zum Verkäufer (Vendor) | |
Hersteller | ParaType Ltd |
Link zur Lizenz | |
Lizenz | |
Urheberrechte © | Copyright © 2017 ParaType, Inc., ParaType Ltd. All rights reserved. |
Beschreibung | Mediator Serif is a balanced contemporary serif typeface that performs well both in display sizes (like in packaging or branding) and body text (books or periodicals where narrow styles will be extremely useful). Mediator Serif is a complementary serif face for Mediator Sans. The family contains 32 fonts in 2 widths: 8 romans with matching italics, of slightly extended proportions, from Thin to Black; and 8 narrow styles with matching italics too. The character set in all faces was expanded to include small caps and old style figures. The typeface was designed by Manvel Shmavonyan with the participation of Alexander Lubovenko and released by ParaType in 2017. |
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- Mediator Serif Thin Italic
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- Mediator Serif Ultra Light Ital
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- Mediator Serif Extra Light
- Mediator Serif Extra Light Ital
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- Mediator Serif Italic
- Mediator Serif Bold
- Mediator Serif Bold Italic
- Mediator Serif Extra Bold
- Mediator Serif Extra Bold Ital
- Mediator Serif Black
- Mediator Serif Black Italic