Mazda Type Cyrillic Bold Italic-Schriftart

Lizenz: Bezahlt
Sprachen: Kyrillisch, Latein


Wir haben alle wichtigen Informationen rund um die Schriftart Mazda Type Cyrillic Bold Italic zusammengetragen. Unten finden Sie eine Tabelle über die Version der Schriftartdatei, die Lizenz, das Urheberrecht, den Designer und den Namen des Anbieters. Die Informationen werden aus der Schriftdatei "TTF" entnommen.

Name der Schriftfamilie Mazda Type Cyrillic
Schriftartenname Mazda Type Cyrillic Bold Italic
Name des Stils Bold Italic
Schriftart-ID Mazda Motor Russia LLC:Mazda Type Cyrillic Bold Italic:2018
Schriftversion Version 1.100
Warenzeichen Mazda Type Cyrillic
Designer TypeType
Link zum Verkäufer (Vendor)
Hersteller Mazda Motor Russia LLC
Link zur Lizenz
Lizenz This font software is provided by the Mazda Motor Corporation. By using this font software you agree to abide by the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. If you do not agree to abide by these terms and conditions, do not use this font software. Subject to your continued compliance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, Mazda grants you, a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited right to use and display this font software. Mazda authorizes you to use this font software only for creating materials commissioned and authorized by the Mazda Motor Corporation, its affiliated companies and its licensors. This authorization is not a transfer of title in the font software and is subject to the following restrictions: 1) You may not modify this font software in any way or otherwise use them for any public or commercial purpose. 2) You must not transfer this font software to any other person unless expressly authorized by the Mazda Motor Corporation. 3) Any reproduction or redistribution of the font software is expressly prohibited.
Urheberrechte © Copyright © 2018 Mazda Motor Corp.
  • 26.05.2023
  • 13
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