A2 Gothic Thin-Schriftart
Lizenz: Bezahlt

Wir haben alle wichtigen Informationen rund um die Schriftart A2 Gothic Thin zusammengetragen. Unten finden Sie eine Tabelle über die Version der Schriftartdatei, die Lizenz, das Urheberrecht, den Designer und den Namen des Anbieters. Die Informationen werden aus der Schriftdatei "TTF" entnommen.
Name der Schriftfamilie | A2 Gothic Thin |
Schriftartenname | A2Gothic-Thin |
Name des Stils | Regular |
Schriftart-ID | 3.001;A2HK;A2Gothic-Thin;2019 |
Schriftversion | Version 3.001 | wf-rip DC20190605 |
Warenzeichen | A2 Gothic is a trademark of Henrik Kubel, A2/SW/HK + A2-TYPE |
Designer | Henrik Kubel, A2/SW/HK + A2-TYPE |
Designer-Link | www.a2-type.co.uk |
Link zum Verkäufer (Vendor) | www.a2-type.co.uk |
Hersteller | www.a2-type.co.uk |
Link zur Lizenz | www.a2-type.co.uk |
Lizenz | Based on A2/SW/HK's Letterhead Grotesk font designed in early 2000 and still in use today 19 years later. This font is part of the A2 Gothic font system. Part of the system was designed for special use by CNN online in 2018 with no exclusive rights. All rights reserved. (c) Henrik Kubel, A2-TYPE, London |
Urheberrechte © | Copyright (c) 2000-2008-2019 by Henrik Kubel, A2/SW/HK. All rights reserved. |
Beschreibung | Copyright (c) 2017 by Henrik Kubel, A2/SW/HK + A2-TYPE. All rights reserved. |
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- A2 Gothic Extra Bold
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- A2 Gothic Condensed Regular
- A2 Gothic Condensed Medium
- A2 Gothic Condensed SemiBold
- A2 Gothic Condensed Bold
- A2 Gothic Condensed Heavy
- A2 Gothic Extra Condensed Regular
- A2 Gothic Extra Condensed Medium
- A2 Gothic Extra Condensed SemiBold
- A2 Gothic Extra Condensed Bold
- A2 Gothic Extra Condensed Heavy